Monday, 30 December 2013

All was not lost....

A few weeks after we moved, the most devastating thing happened, in the chaos to compact spare rooms full with boxes of all our kitchen contents and that of many other rooms, which we were not going to need for some time, I lost some vital boxes of studio equipment. As we were packing things safely out of the way as we embarked on some fairly major renovation. I lost track of my water colour brushes, just as we were clearing lots of things away to the refuse tip. A life time collection of brushes, some of which I'd had for over 30 years, also my Art-Kure water colour sketch system brushes and paints, and my ZIG calligraphy pens and artists sketch pens. We were convinced the small boxes they were in had been mixed up with card board and boxes for the tip. I was devastated, many of my brushes were very expensive, life long friends, lots were hand made, but all were precious. How or where to start again was daunting, I was so upset and literally felt my creativity had been thrown on the tip, being very down hearted and glum about the whole thing

That was nearly six months ago, I had a serious amount of work ahead to take my mind off it and got on with the renovation. At one point we had, no bathroom, no kitchen and no staircase!!!

Gradually we have seen the house take shape and achieved a fitted kitchen and bathroom in time for Christmas. Some rooms being slowly unpacked and amid the search for boxes relevant to 'living room' over Christmas, to try and add a homely feel to the place over the holidays I found them!!!

Today was the best day ever, I opened a box and they were there! I swear they weren't  when I was looking 6 months ago, but there they were. I could have cried, the relief ! To anyone not an artist I can only try and explain how that felt. Think of something you have owned, collected, expanded and invested a lot of money in for over 30 years. Which you have used so regular and 'broken in' to be an extension of your own hands. so hand picked, loved and shaped, it would take another 30 years to replace.

Finally, I can start to think of putting my studio together again and organising my arty world. Which without the tools of my trade would have felt pointless and painful, as I moved to this place for the peace and quiet, the views and the garden to paint!